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Writer's pictureJason Baez

Do Not Sit On The Furniture Resident Viktop Share Podcast For Minds Alike - It's Awesome.

Our 6th installment comes from one of our favorite Miami artists and resident of the esteemed nightclub, Do Not Sit On The Furniture. Victor flexes his creative side with an hour of eclectic programming that spans multiple genres in a seamless fashion.

Bio: "Viktop hails originally from Miami and has built a name for himself through his hard work as a resident at Do Not Sit on the Furniture for the last 5 years. His sound incorporates warm, beautiful melodies, groovy basslines, and more than a touch of class. Viktop seeks to touch the hearts and minds of dancers with improvisations based on their set, setting and atmosphere. His passion for music has lead him to start creating his own productions, where he is looking to continue to develop his unique sound. Be on the look out for his future releases as they are packed with grooves and uplifting sounds, designed for the dancefloor and more."

We hope you enjoy this music as much as we do.

Released by: Minds Alike

Release date: 15 June 2020

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